Saturday, March 29, 2014

3/29 - From last week, breaking in scoots for CORSette

Happy rider, till I ran out of gas. Oops.
Rainy today, so just wanted to share a photo from a happy Saturday last weekend spent with Boston scooterists, breaking in a couple smallframes for CORSette with Jeskaboston. This classy cut-down belongs to Kyle, who I still feel terrible about running it dry and making him late for work. We were so close to making it back, sorry!

Friday, March 28, 2014

3/28 - Onboard Technology FTW part 2

3/27 - Onboard Technology FTW

Just tested out custom audio cables for my Nolan N-43 helmet and iPhone. I'm far too excited at the prospect of possibly conversing or commanding Siri around while I'm riding. Thanks so much to Matt for intricate wire soldering skills, and then sealing up the jack ends all neat. Receiving these doctored cables in the mail just made my day. Click on for nitty gritty.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

3/18 - Scooter Christmas

I was paid recently, and apparently I'm having trouble controlling myself based on the number of trip-related packages arriving weekly at the door. Whoops.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

3/13 - Dwellings And Doubts

Just sayin', my bed arrangement is pretty sweet. With this lingering winter cold, it's all down comforter and flannel linens.